- You have to buy a new sofa because the bigger doggie needs a whole seat.
- When your husband and the dog are both snoring but your husband is the one you punch & tell to be quiet.
- Your late for work because her morning walk is extended so she can play with her “friends”.
- HIS clothes are cuter than mine.
- He sleeps on satin sheets while you get the old cotton ones your mother gave you years ago.
- They demand to lick every plate.
- You select your new vehicle based on its suitability for fitting your dogs and their crates inside.
- You don’t go on holiday because you can’t find that right person to look after them.
- You drive a 20 mile round trip to buy the RIGHT dog food.
- You dig up the garden, fence it in, cover it in gravel and use the WHOLE thing for the dogs.
- No one in the house has EVER eaten the last bite of ANY meal.
- When you spend hours in the pet shop picking out just the right treats.
- You lay there and hold it as long as you can so as to not disturb the dogs.
- You go ahead and sit on the FLOOR instead of your furniture so as not to disturb the sleeping dog.
- You’re walking in the rain holding the umbrella over your DOG’S head.
- Her shampoo cost 10 times the amount yours does.
- You give up your card night so the dog won’t be lonely at home.
- You remodel your spare rooms so the dogs have lots of space to play.
- You read the dog supply catalogues instead of your usual magazine you read BEFORE the dog came along.
- They get more manicures than you do.
- The dog has a better social life than I do.
- You arrange your activities around his “dates” with his “girlfriend”.
- You give up that night out with the girls to stay home with the dog.
- You dont hesitate to spend £25 on that new dog toy…but wont buy that joint of meat for the family because it’s not on sale.
- All your outside coats have bits of dog treats at the bottom of the pockets.
- You screen your dog’s doctors more carefully than your own.
- Your parents put off their holiday to babysit the dogs while you are away.
- When hubby…Mr.”I don’t like dogs”..lets the dogs sleep under the covers with him every morning.
- You buy a pushbike trailer so the dogs can go cycling with you.
- Then you buy a bigger trailer because you get a bigger dog.